
Is your continuity plan doomed to fail?

May 21st, 2016

Just because your IT provider has a plethora of awards and certifications under its belt doesn’t mean that you can blindly hand over your business’s future to them. Often times, there are some aspects in your business continuity plan that tend to be overlooked by your provider. We have rounded up some of these issues […]

7 best features that come with Android 6.0

May 20th, 2016

Android Marshmallow has been one of the most anticipated software updates for Android users. Dubbed by Google as “the sweetest, smartest Android version yet”, it was first unveiled at the company’s I/O conference under the codename Android M. So what features do you look forward to when your tablet finally updates to Android 6.0 version? […]

OpenNotes portal initiative gaining steam

May 19th, 2016

A recent initiative to give healthcare patients access to the notes their doctor or clinician writes about their visit is continuing its meteoric rise across the country. OpenNotes began a few years ago by researching the benefits of allowing patients to have access to their doctor’s notes. Since that initial study, the number of healthcare […]

New security flaw in popular image uploader

May 18th, 2016

ImageMagick, one of the internet’s most widely used image processing services, is susceptible to attacks that may put your site at a huge risk of exploitation, according to recent reports. The discovery of this vulnerability means attackers could potentially steal your site’s data, or corrupt it entirely. Let’s take a look at what your SMB […]

Microsoft’s more secure Office web service

May 17th, 2016

Earlier this month, Microsoft made a huge announcement regarding Office that hasn’t received much attention. While there is a lot of interest in web-based versions of Microsoft Office, many organizations avoided the Office Online services for fear of compromising their privacy and security. However, they’ve announced a new version that allows businesses to host an […]

Get more retweets with these Twitter tactics

May 14th, 2016

Are your tweets not getting enough exposure? With so many other social media campaigns out there, it can be tricky to get the attention of followers in Twitter. While posting regularly and writing bold headlines are important in grabbing the audience’s attention, there are other Twitter tactics that you should be employing in order to […]

The future of work lies in human cloud

May 13th, 2016

It’s an amazing time to start a business and take your ideas to the market more quickly, and at lower costs without the traditional barriers in hiring skilled workers. A world of talented contractors is now available in the “Human Cloud”, ready to help you do the heavy lifting of building your company. In this […]

6 Microsoft Word tricks you may not know

May 12th, 2016

Microsoft Word is used by over one billion users worldwide, and of those how many are using it to its full potential? Over the years Word has transformed into a complex design tool that allows it to move far beyond simple text editing. Most users know how to change a font or center their text, […]

Essential Server Management: Cooling

May 11th, 2016

Servers are the heart of most modern SMBs. They host intranetwork data, customer data, and facilitate product delivery. Like any piece of equipment in your workflow, servers need to be carefully cared for in order to keep you up and running. With the strain that most businesses put on their servers, one of the most […]

Empower work at home employees with VoIP

May 10th, 2016

As a business owner, it’s important to raise your company’s morale to be more productive. But you can’t just keep throwing office parties everyday of the year. Thanks to advancements in VoIP technologies, you can offer a better way to keep your employee’s spirits high by allowing them to work from home. This allows your […]